The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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448 lines
CLIST is a program to print FAST source files using two columns.
CLIST prints using compressed text 17 cpi & 1/8" line spacing. The settings
can be changed in the CLIST.F file then recompiled.
CLIST can be used for making hard copies of files when paper is in short supply
or just to get more code on a page for easier manual debugging.
CMP Compares two files by displaying any differences between the two files at
all locations.
Each differnce is displayed as 'ADDR : B1 ! B2'.
All values are in hex.
The address starts at 0.
A file in excess of 64k is ignored.
ESC aborts while running.
SPACE can be used to suspend the listing.
COMPF compresses and uncompresses both FAST and ASM files.
Firstly run COMPF.
When asked for a file enter
1) *.F to compress all FAST source files.
2) *.ASM to compress all ASM source files.
3) *.FX to uncompress all FAST source files.
4) *.AX to uncompress all ASM source files.
Note! The file created (with the compressed data) is called _.FX or _.AX.
To compress a single file use its filename, eg WT.F; this will create a file
called WT.FX. Therefore to uncompress it use WT.FX as the file name.
COMPF was written because I currently have no file compression utility, most
would work better than COMPF, for added compression try compressing the .FX
(or .AX) files before say sending them by modem or putting them onto a 360k
CR counts the number of lines in any group of files (by counting carriage
After entering CR you will be asked for the file(s), for multiple files use
wild card characters, eg '*' & '?'.
D is an another directory command, 3 columns are displayed, sorted by name.
Examples: () - means that part is implied eg d (*.*). Type D to get DIR *.*
d (*.*) ;Displays all files and directories.
d \asm\(*.*) ;Displays all files in the sub-directory \asm.
d a:*.doc ;Displays all DOC files on drive A.
d F(*.*) ;Displays all files starting with F.
Press any key to suspend the directory - it scrolls fairly fast, escape to
DC is the start of my own DOS DEBUG substitute.
This was written as a complimentary program for SOFA and FAST. However I
started using FAST more so needed a debugger specifically for FAST. Hence the
source debug/trace program: FASTT (also written in FAST - of course).
DC offers a quick way to unassemble machine code - also producing sort of
labels. If anybody would like to see DC complete then encourage me, for a
worthy fee I would complete it to your specifications and give you completed
source code.
DSCR dumps the screen image to a disk file when activated using PrtSc.
EDIT is another way to type commands into the computer, with the following
features: - Access to the last 16 commands is available through a window.
- Easier editing with more commands.
Keys: F1, F3, arrows, ESC & INS/DEL act as they do in DOS.
The UP and DOWN arrows bring up the window with the last 16 commands,
press ESC to return to the command line or ENTER to select the command
to modify before using. Pressing the first letter of the command line in
the window moves the highlight bar to the next matching entry.
CTRL-END & F6 clear to end of line.
EDIT only works in 80 column text mode on CGA and HGA/MDA cards.
Some extra functions are provided so when the computer goes into graphics mode
you can still continue:
ALT-X quits edit and frees up memory used (if no other TSRs loaded since
EDIT). Command line entry is resumed using the standard DOS routine
which works in graphics modes.
ALT-C clears the screen and resets the computer back to text mode.
FASTT is the fast utility to trace source files line by line.
To run FASTT firstly compile your program with the #TRACE ON and #TRACE OFF
options set in the correct places. FAST says a program can be traced by
telling you that an FT file was created.
Type 'FASTT file', all the source files that will be used are checked to
make sure they exist in the default directory, it not an error will occur.
When tracing a program the full screen is used, pressing any key advances to
the next line.
Notes ! A traced program can abort using BREAK but using the current version of
FASTT it will typically crash.
! FASTT uses 1 file handle for each source file that is actually traced,
this may limit FASTT use.
! FASTT only works properly in the 80 column colour text mode.
! When the Scroll-Lock light is on then the programs runs faster without
showing any details on screen, this can be used to optional turn
tracing off until a certain condition applies.
FFIND is similar to the DOS 'find' command, it is designed for global searches.
Example: FFIND ─┘
Which files? *.f ─┘
Look for? high_score ─┘
FFIND displays the file it is looking through and when a match is found it
lists it on the screen.
The wild card ? can be used to mean anything.
Any part of a file longer than 64k is ignored.
FFIND is case sensitive (case must match exactly).
Pressing CTRL-SCROLL LOCK (break) will abort the find before finished.
To send FFIND output to a disk or printer then use the standard DOS
pipe/redirection commands. Print using >prn, or disk using >filename
FREE displays the number of Kilobytes free for DOS at anytime.
FSET is the setup utility for FAST, SOFA and FFD.
It is provided so you can use it in your own programs. FSET is user friendly
and designed specifically to make the user trustworthy of the product he or
she is about to install - very important!
FSET.F contains tables at the end which define the installation for any
number of different programs or files.
GAME is a small shoot-em up (try it - see what happens).
Playing keys: A - UP
Must have a CGA card (or CGA emulator if HGA).
If the game is too fast then change it so that there are more background dots
or puts delays into the source file, then recompile it.
Eg: Line 4, change const backdots=9 to another value.
HEXD is a TSR program that has 4 basic utilities, it may have various
preferences over other TSRs because it uses very little memory (10k).
1) Ascii table with all 256 characters shown at once. To find the number of a
character move the cursor using the numeric keypad (diagonal also). The
character number is shown in hex and decimal at the bottom.
2) The number conversion allows entry of a hex or decimal number which is then
displayed in DECIMAL HEX BINARY across the window. Press H to enter a hex
number or D to enter decimal. Press PgUp or PgDn to change the numbers.
3) Keyboard codes - Press the key to see its KEY code, SCAN code and shift
byte values. KEY is the ascii value of the key.
SCAN is the keyboard return code for the key - includes arrows and function
keys. KEYSCAN = SCAN * 256 + KEY
Pushing ESC returns to the main menu - its KEY = 27, SCAN = 1.
4) Colours - shows the colour and its hex value.
To read the colours HEX value - take the first hex digit from the
righthand side down, the second digit from the row across the top.
To disable HEXD from working press D on the main menu.
Avoid activating HEXD in the middle of a disk operation or while certain
application programs are initialising thenselves - sometimes hangs system.
Activate using both left and right shift keys together.
To select an option from the menu either move bar with up/down or press the
first letter of the option to activate immediately.
MAKEMSG creates/modifies .ERR files (such as the \DOS.ERR file).
** MERR is a new program for creating .ERR files.
To create/modify messages, just enter its number - then type the message in.
To print all messages, type 'p' instead of a number.
To save the changes made, press ENTER or ESC to exit (MAKEMSG asks if you want
to save the changes).
Type MAKEMSG ─┘ to start, then \DOS.ERR to create/modify messages within the
file. Any .ERR file created by MAKEMSG or MERR can be modified.
MERR does the same as MAKEMSG but uses windows and scroll bar selection for
easier use.
See MAKEMSG for a description.
MISsile is a 1 or 2 player game. Each player (or computer) must try to destroy
the enemy base by firing a missile at the opponent.
The game is played where both players move simultaneously.
Keys: Function. Player ONE Player TWO
Decrease angle F1 7 (numeric keypad)
Increase angle F2 9 (numeric keypad)
Decrease force F3 1 (numeric keypad)
Increase force F4 3 (numeric keypad)
Fire tilde 2 (numeric keypad)
Quit = ESC
Notes: A missile will blow up if it hits ANYTHING.
The clouds give an indication as to the winds speed and direction.
Each player scores 500 points for destroying the enemy base.
A base will blow up if a) it has been hit sufficiently by missiles,
b) falling shrapnel has destroyed it.
MUSIC is a simple music program.
MUSIC was designed for entering the musical notes. The print feature in MUSIC
converts the notes to tablature but is not 100% accurate as my knowledge of
music is not great. I think I've got it working only when a song is in the key
of D.
ALT-D Deletes the current Bar.
ALT-C Copies the current Bar.
ALT-R Toggles the 'repeat' status.
ALT-I Sets the current bar as containing the intro details, not repeated.
Should only use this for the first bar, each sharpened note in the intro
bar will represent the key of the music, ie: each sharpened note in the
intro will be sharpened in the rest of the music.
Don't put any note in the very first spot (each bar is 16 places).
S Sharpen current note (brighter colour)
ESC Save and Exit.
P Play the music.
+/- Increase/Decrease Tempo.
Move note up/down tablature, ie: change note at cursor.
Del Reset note, ie: no note.
a-g Set note, change octave of current note.
ALT-G Prints guitar tablature to printer.
OTHELLO is the board game (also called Reversi).
You can play either computer or human.
Warning! This program was written along time ago, I have not modified it to
keep up with FASTs improvements.
The computer adapts a 'different' yet flawed technique for its choice
in strategies.
PC displays all SELECTED files on the screen SORTED by FILENAME.EXT.
The user then selects a file by positioning the cursor over the filename and
pressing ENTER (or P for printout).
A file called PC.FIL must be in the root directory of the current drive, if it
doesn't exist then the default *.DOC is used. If PC.FIL does exist then it must
contain filenames using wildcard characters (Only files in the current directory
can be displayed). PC.FIL can be created using any ASCII text editor.
Example PC.FIL: *.F
*.DOC (three seperate lines in the file.)
When a file is displayed any of HOME, END, UP, DOWN, PGDN & PGUP can be used to
move around the file.
If the line length is greater than 160 characters then the UP/PGUP will
sometimes 'jump' the display.
PC will handle a maximum of 1024 files.
A wordstar option is provided, press W to toggle when in display mode.
PCSOFT is a One Fingered Typist utility program.
"This program is supplied to registered users only."
Add "PCSOFT" to your autoexec.bat file to make PCSOFT active all the time.
With PCSOFT you push the shift key (shift, alt or control) and then push the
other key. More than one shift key can be pushed, for example CTRL then ALT
followed by DEL would do a system reset.
PCSOFT does not effect the current keyboard use in most cases, a multi-finger
typist would not notice it.
This program was designed for use by people with an interest or need for
computers but are restricted to pushing one key with whatever possible means.
Secondary use: One hand using a mouse then second can still do everything.
PHONE is a terminal emulator and file transfer program for use with calling
of BBS's or other data services.
"This program is supplied to registered users only."
Help is provided seperately with this program. PHONE.DOC
The configuration file is PHONE.CFG, a default configuration is also provided.
PSCR overrides the normal Shift-PrtSc function.
Adds 3 features to Shift-PrtSc.
1) Allows selection of any part of the screen when in 80 column colour text
mode (the default for almost every application).
Keys: Move top-left corner with shifted-arrows.
Move bottom-right corner with arrows.
Press ENTER to print highlighted area.
ESC to abort screen dump.
2) If using 320*200 colour screen then it will be printed with a little shading.
Your printer must have the 640 dots per page graphics setting.
SDUMP is currently setup for a Panasonic KX-P1082.
All colours will be shaded using a 2*2 grid for the 4 colours.
3) If using the 640*200 graphics screen then it will be printed.
Your printer must have the 640 dots per page graphics setting.
SDUMP is currently setup for a Panasonic KX-P1082.
Note: If the printer is in any other mode then the default print screen is used.
PU (Printer Utilities) is a comprehensive TSR program to set the printer
options from the keyboard. TSR=Terminate and Stay Resident.
PU has 21 built in and 21 user definable printer options.
PU has basic features from the main menu, Line Feed, Form Feed, Reset and
printing test messages to help setting up the printer.
The menu works with one-touch operation - press the first letter of the option
to activate it.
Note: When Keeping the options (save) a copy of PU.CFG will be saved in the
CURRENT disk/directory.
PURGE is a file deleter and file viewer.
Type 'PURGE *.BAK' and all backup files will be displayed for selection.
Pressing F1 would select all files. Pressing D and confirming would delete
all SELECTED files.
Pressing V displays the current highlighted file on screen, only the first page
is displayed - just to job your memory of what the file is.
Typing 'PURGE' assumes *.* (all files in current directory).
RKEY is a key redefinition program, similar to the old NEWKEY PD program.
RKEY is due for many modifications, at the moment it provides a very quick
way of storing simple key macros (1 level deep).
Its main use for me has been while editing source files to quickly use the
learn and playback option to do repetitive tasks.
SED (Sector EDitor) allows access to all sectors on a hard disk, ignoring the
partition limits.
SED can view a maximum of 64 sectors, 15 heads & 1024 tracks.
All menu options have their letter inverted on the screen.
Options: Range:
1 - Alter max tracks 0 - 1023
2 - Alter max heads 0 - 15
3 - Alter max sectors 0 - 63
T - Set current track 0 - max tracks-1
H - Set current head 0 - max heads-1
S - Set current sector 1 - max sectors
ESC - Abort SED
A - Change to ASCII display
X - Change to HEX display
F - Find a string from current sector to end of disk
O - Open disk output file
W - Write displayed sector to disk file
C - Close disk output file
Other keys:
Arrows - move cursor (current version has no use)
PgUp - Back one sector
PgDn - Advance one sector
When using the ascii display there are two sides, the left displays the actual
bytes - using the IBM character set. The righthand side shows the bytes in
filtered form (bit 7 is ignored, if less than 32 then prints a dot '.').
To print the screen using the PrtSc button then load PSCR prior to printing so
the right hand side of the screen (when in ASCII display mode) can be printed,
printing the actual IBM characters will cause the printer to process them as
control codes.
If the program gets a disk error then you will have the options
to either S - Try next sector or H - Try next head.
SHOOT is a one or two player game, generally a fast shoot-em up.
The object is to kill your oponent by shooting the're space ship.
Each player is limited to 50 shots, when both players run out of ammo each
player is re-stocked with another 50 shots and so on.
For shooting your oponent you get 200 points.
For shooting a person or car then you get 2 or 5 points.
For shooting trees, walls and rocks no points are scored.
The game ends when a player has killed his/her oponent 10 times.
Player 1 uses F2, F4 & tilde (up, down and fire)
Player 2 uses 4, 1 & + on the numeric keypad (up, down and fire)
Type SHOOT C ─┘ to play against the computer.
Type SHOOT ─┘ for two human players.
SIEVE is the 'standard' benchmark. This version in FAST compares favourably
with all other versions I've seen, especially in size and speed (what else!).
TSR is a Terminate and Stay Resident skeleton program for use in writing TSR
The smallest TSR program is just over 700 bytes long, this is the smallest
overhead set by any language I know of (except Assembly).
WT is a text editor designed mainly for programming.
WT offers many features and is very fast, currently there are still some
errors but nothing too drastic, I use it to do ALL my editing, even changing
WT in brief:
a) WT can have a different configuration in each directory so you have a
different tab value, default file extension and backup settings.
b) Up to 16 files can be edited at once.
c) Search/Replace is almost instant/Quick.
d) Full line and column blocks can be easily defined. The most recently
defined block is saved as the \WT.INS file, push Shift-Insert to insert the
current block.
e) Most people like 1 editor and stick with it, no one ever makes a compromise
when it comes to their editor. WT can be modified by you or (for a small
fee) I can do personal customisations.
f) *NEW* WT now keeps a WT.LOG file with the file, date & time for each file
which is edited. Now a record of all work with WT, SOFA & FAST will
automatically be kept in their respective log files.